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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Occupy - At Its Core

I had previously thought that the Occupy movement held no purpose other than to disturb the peace. However, I encountered
a man from the International Socialists last weekend who radically changed my viewpoint on this issue. We talked extensively
concerning the goals of the Occupy movement, and about the common misconceptions people have towards this movement.

The organizers of Occupy simply want to raise awareness at the most basic level. They want to let everyone know of the vast
economic disparity which exists in capitalist nations such as Canada and the US. Frankly, less than 1% of the population control
more than half of the nation's prosperity. This is in no small part attributed to the fact that our governments have become
increasing friendly towards big businesses. Whereas Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Taft were trust-busters, breaking the
consolidation of powerful conglomerates, current policies help big businesses survive at the expense of smaller businesses.
As evidenced by the numerous bail-outs during the 2008-2009 fiscal year, the government is spending vast amounts in order
to keep the well-established corporations alive. As a result, the rich keep getting richer while the poor plummet down the ladder.

This is the economics behind Occupy. Now, many people complain that no solutions are being proposed. This is the furthest
thing from the truth. The leaders of Occupy are trying to pressure the government into applying an even more progressive tax.
This would mean that people in the higher brackets pay more percentage of income tax than those earning in the lower brackets.
Another suggestion being made is for governments to divert more oversight towards smaller businesses, as the influx of cash
can be more readily found there. ESSENTIALLY, when the government values large businesses to the extent that the country's
stability relies on it, there is a problem. When this happens, the government becomes the dog, and large corporations the owner.

I think that if we actually investigated the issue, instead of listening to mindless mainstream jabber, we would find that the
Occupy movement is something worth supporting. If we give up our right to influence the government, we no longer exist as
citizens of this nation. We become mere slaves to those who control the gold.

I feel that at its core, Occupy has a crucial and progressive agenda. However, once surrounded by mindless followers who build
tents and spew worthless rhetoric, it becomes a bad apple. I challenge all of you to look beneath the skin of the apple - to find
its core. Let me know what you find.

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